![]() Book Design:大西正一 発行:赤々舎 Size: 220mm × 250mm Page:160 pages Binding:Hardtcover Published in Nov 2020 ISBN:978-4-86541-124-9 |
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About Book
「安珍清姫物語」は、僧侶・安珍と 若い女性・清姫の激しくも哀しい恋の物語。安珍に恋をした清姫が裏切られ、逃げる安珍を追いかけるうちに、怒りで蛇身となりました。 道成寺の鐘の中に匿われた安珍を見つけた蛇は、鐘に巻きつき炎を吐いて、鐘もろとも焼き尽くします。その両眼からは血の涙を流し、ついには入水したのでした。 その後、住職に供養された二人は成仏し、 天人になったと伝えられています。
Eriko Koga
The legend of Anchin and Kiyohime is one of the most widely known folktales in Japan since the ancient times, Originated over a thousand years ago, it is a tragic love story of a Buddhist monk. Anchin, and a young woman, Kiyohime. Kiyohime falls in love with Anchin, but he betrays and evades her in order to stick to his ascetic practice. Refusing to lot go of him, Kiyohime chases after the fleeing monk, and transforms into a giant wrathful serpent along the way.
When she finds Anchin hiding inside a large bell at Dojoji temple, she wraps her body around the bell. spits fire, and incinerates the bell along with Anchin.
Devastated, Kiyohime throws herself into a river not long after her ophidian eyes streamed tears of blood.
The priest of the temple where this tragedy took place later chanted the Lotus Sutra in prayer for the salvation of these two souls, and it is told that they are both in heaven.
Through the themes of love, betrayal, obsession and despair, on top of the primal concepts of life and death, the tale emanates a compelling, universal message that appeals to audiences in any period of time. I found this legend and its sequels to be deeply moving, inspiring me to create a body of work titled BELL from 2018 to 2020.
Photographing this series was a personal journey of delving deep into ourselves living our modern lives, in order to capture a present-day interpretation of the pain and sadness that women were forced to bear as well as their inner strengths. Through an internal dialogue with the legend and an open but intimate observation of my family and our life together, I found myself yearning for a free, unbridled way of life, and in the process caught sight of new possibilities sprouting at our feet.
関連写真展古賀絵里子 個展「BELL」 会期:2020年10月23日(金)〜11月16日(月) 時間:10:30~18:30(日休/最終日15時まで) 会場:ニコンプラザ東京 THE GALLERY(新宿) 入場無料 巡回展 会期:2020年11月26日(金)〜11月16日(月) 時間:10:30~18:30(日休/最終日15時まで) 会場:ニコンプラザ大阪 THE GALLERY(梅田) 同時開催 DELTA 会期:2020年10月23日(金)〜 11月17日(火) 時間:9:00〜18:00(水木休み) 会場:DELTA(KYOTOGRAPHIE パーマメント スペース/京都市上京区桝形通寺町東入三栄町62) 【Other Exhibiton 】 古賀絵里子・鈴木理策 写真展「高野山・熊野」 会期:2020年11月6日(金)~11月12日(木) 時間:10:00~19:00(最終日16:00まで/入館は終了10分前まで)会期中無休 会場:富士フイルムフォトサロン 東京(六本木 ミッドタウン) |
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Artist Information
主な著書に、写真集『浅草善哉』(青幻舎 2011)、『一山』( 赤々舎 2015)、『TRYADHVAN』(赤々舎 2016)などがある。
フォト・ドキュメンタリー「NIPPON」(2004)、 さがみはら写真新人奨励賞(2012)、「KG + AWARD」グランプリ(2015)、 Prix Virginia Jury's Choice(2018)ほか多数受賞。
国内外のギャラリー・美術館・写真祭にて、 個展やグループ展を開催。フランス国立図書館・清里フォトアートミュージアムに作品収蔵。京都市在住。
Eriko Koga
Eriko Koga is a photographer who has shown in various solo and group exhibitions both at home and abroad.
Her works are featured in the permanent collections of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts and Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Photobooks by Koga include Asakusa Zenzai (Seigensha Art Publishing, 2011), Issan (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2015) and Tryadhvan (AKAAKA Art Publishing, 2016).
Koga has received numerous awards, notably the Photo Documentary Nippon Award in 2004, the Photo City Sagamihara Festival's Newcomer Award in 2012, the KG + Award in 2015 and the Prix Virginia's Jury's Choice prize in 2018.
Born in Fukuoka in 1980, Koga graduated from the Department of French Literature in Sophia University. In 2002, she attended the 20th annual photography workshop Corpus.Koga currently lives in Kyoto with her family.
2015 "Issan" (AKAAKA)
2011 "Asakusa Zenzai" (SEIGENSHA)
2018 "Jury's Choice", Prix Virginia Award
2017 "Sankei Children's Book Award" Grand Prix
2015 "KG+AWARD by GRAND MARBLE" Grand Prix
"Child welfare Cultural Award", Foundation for Promoting Sound Growth of Children
2014 "Nikkei NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Photo Award "
2012 "Asakusa Zenzai" Sagamihara Photo City Prize for Newcomer Professionals
2004 "Photo Documentary 'Nippon' 2004" awards, Guardian Garden
【Solo Exhibitions】
2018 "Life Live Love" Irie Taikichi Memorial Museum of Photography, Nara
(Two person exhibition with Keiko Nomura)
2017 "Asakusa Zenzai and Issan" ESPACE KUU(Taisho University), Tokyo
"TRYADHVAN" LE MOUTON NOIR, Poitiers in France
2016 "TRYADHVAN" Emon Photo Gallery, Tokyo
2015 "Issan" Myoman-ji Temple, Kyoto "Issan" Emon Photo Gallery, Tokyo
2013 "Issan" Emon Photo Gallery, Tokyo
2012 "Asakusa Zenzai" Emon Photo Gallery, Tokyo
2010 "Asakusa Zenzai" Solaria Park Side Gallery, Fukuoka
2008 "Asakusa Zenzai" Emon Photo Gallery, Tokyo
2004 "Asakusa Zenzai" Guardian Garden, Tokyo
【Group Exhibitions】
2016 "KYOTOGRAPHIE 2016" Kyoto, Japan
"Festival Photo La Gacilly 2016" France
2015 "KG+AWARD by GRAND MARBLE 2015 TOP" Kyoto, Japan
2013 "Young Portfolio of 2013" Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Yamanashi, Japan
"Mt.Rokko International Photo Festival 2013" Hyogo, Japan
"Colorful Guizhou" Guizhou, China
"Koyasan Cafe" Tokyo, Japan
"SERENITY Japanese Photography Exhibition" Tokyo, Japan
"Happy Maker in Koyasan in 2013" Wakayama, Japan
"Photo City Sagamihara 2012" Tokyo, Japan
2012 "Sagamihara Photo City Ward Winners Exhibition, Kanagawa, Japan
"BursaPhotoFest 2012" Bursa, Turkey
"8th Angkor Wat Photo Festival, Cambodia
2011 "Happy Maker in Koyasan in 2011" Wakayama, Japan
"Young Portfolio of 2011" Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Yamanashi, Japan
2010 "Young Portfolio of 2010" Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Yamanashi, Japan
2009 "Happy Maker in Koyasan in 2009" Wakayama, Japan
2008 "China Pingyao international Photography Festival" Pingyao, China
2007 "Young Portfolio of 2006" Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Yamanashi, Japan
【Public Collections】
Emon Photo Gallery (2013, 2012, 2008)
Bibliothéque National de France (2006)
Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (2013, 2010, 2009, 2006)